Zapateando Juyayay

Año tras año ecuatorianos por el mundo
Festejando tradiciones lindas de mi ecuador

Van bajando por el cerro juayayay
Ha llegado el Inti Raymi juayayay
Van bajando por el cerro juayayay
Ha llegado el Inti Raymi juayayay

Zapateando duro, duro juayayay
Vamos a tomar la plaza juyayay
Zapateando duro, duro juyayay
Vamos a tomar la plaza juyayay

Zapateando, zapateando por aquí
Zapateando, zapateando por allá
Zapateando, zapateando por aquí
Zapateando, zapateando por allá

Comuneros, comuneros, 
bailando, bailando, bailando
Dando la vuelta, dando la vuelta, 
una y otra vez je, je, je

Bandolines y guitarras juyayay
Puentes y vitelas listos juyayay
Bandolines y guitarras juyayay
Puentes y vitelas listo juyayay

Afinen en galindo guambras juyayay
Y que lloren las guitarras juyayay
Afinen en galindo guambras juyayay
Y que lloren las guitarras juyayay

Zapateando, zapateando por aquí
Zapateando, zapateando por allá
Zapateando, zapateando por aquí
Zapateando, zapateando por allá

Guitarrita, guitarrita, guitarrita
Bandolina, bandolina, bandolina
Afinadito, afinadito, afinadito
Hagan bailar, hagan bailar

Carishinas y chinucas juyayay
Aruchicos y diablumas juyayay
Carishinas y chinucas juyayay
Arruchicos y diablumas juyayay

Solteritas y casadas juyayay
Con sus centros de colores juyayay
Solteritas y casadas juyayay
Con sus centros de colores juyayay

Zapateando, zapateando por aquí
Zapateando, zapateando por allá
Zapateando, zapateando por aquí
Zapateando, zapateando por allá

Guambras de mi vida, 
preparen los centros que nos vamos a bailar
Vamos a gozar, jary jary jary jary, 
tas tas tas, tas tas tas

Tomando, tomando vamos juyayay
Guaranguito, guaranguito juyayay
Tomando, tomando vamos juyayay
Guaranguito, guaranguito juyayay

Ya nos vamos ya nos vamos juyayay
Para el año volveremos juyayay
Ya nos vamos ya nos vamos juyayay
Para el año volveremos juyayay

Zapateando, zapateando por aquí
Zapateando, zapateando por allá
Zapateando, zapateando por aquí
Zapateando, zapateando por allá

Último año tan será
Rico zapateando, rico guaranguito
¡Jojo, jojo!
Year after year Ecuadorians around the world
Celebrating beautiful traditions of my Ecuador

They go down the juayayay hill
Inti Raymi juayayay has arrived
They go down the juayayay hill
Inti Raymi juayayay has arrived

Stomping hard, hard juayayay
Let's take the square juyayay
Stomping hard, hard juyayay
Let's take the square juyayay

Stomping, stomping around here
Stomping, stomping over there
Stomping, stomping around here
Stomping, stomping over there

Commoners, commoners, 
dancing, dancing, dancing
Going around, going around, 
on and on heh heh heh

Mandolins and guitars juyayay
Bridges and vellums ready juyayay
Mandolins and guitars juyayay
Bridges and vellums ready juyayay

Tune in galindo guambras juyayay
And let the guitars cry juyayay
Tune in galindo guambras juyayay
And let the guitars cry juyayay

Stomping, stomping around here
Stomping, stomping over there
Stomping, stomping around here
Stomping, stomping over there

Guitar, guitar, guitar
bandoline, bandoline, bandoline
Fine-tuned, fine-tuned, fine-tuned
Make them dance, make them dance

Carishinas and Chinese Juyayay
Aruchicos and diablumas juyayay
Carishinas and Chinese Juyayay
Arruchicos and diablumas juyayay

Single and married juyayay
With their coloured centres juyayay
Single and married juyayay
With their colored centers juyayay

Stomping, stomping around here
Stomping, stomping over there
Stomping, stomping around here
Stomping, stomping over there

Guambras of my life, 
prepare the centers that we are going to dance
Let's enjoy, jary jary jary jary, 
tas tas tas, tas tas tas

Taking, taking let's go juyayay
Guaranguito, guaranguito juyayay
Taking, taking let's go juyayay
Guaranguito, guaranguito juyayay

We're leaving, we're leaving juyayay
For the year we will return juyayay
We're leaving, we're leaving juyayay
For the year we will return juyayay

Stomping, stomping around here
Stomping, stomping over there
Stomping, stomping around here
Stomping, stomping over there

Senior year so will be
Rich stomping, rich guaranguito
Hoho, hoho!

The translation is with the help of Google Translate, and there are some words which don’t directly translate and are probably local and from Quechua. I will try and find suitable translations for these later.

The music is by a group called “Jayac” and they are an Ecuadorian native group originally from Zámbiza parish, northeast of Quito. The word Jayak means “strength” or “spicy”. There is further information on this website.

Inti Raymi is an traditional feast which is usually celebrated on 24th June. Although it can be a few days earlier. It is a traditional Inca celebration of the Sun, the most important God in Inca religion. For further details see the wikipedia entry.

I think “Juyayay” in the Quechua language means getup, come on, cheer up.