Sunday 19th June 2022

We returned to St. Christopher Episcopal Mission on Sunday 12th June for another Eucharist. We were celebrating the feast of the Trinity and it was a lovely service. Unfortunately, no-one took any photos.

Our final service in Cuenca was on Sunday 19th June. We had planned to also have a Eucharist on Sunday 26th June, but on that Sunday I was not well.

It was a lovely experience to spend time with the Mission Team and some of the members of the Mission. In their three year history they have now had five Eucharists, two with the previous bishop, one with a visiting priest from the US, and two with me. I know they would love to have their own priest, and to meet in a location which is more central and accessible to the Expat community, but they are not ready for that. I am praying that they will keep growing and one day they will achieve their dream and vision to have an English Speaking Episcopal Church in Cuenca.

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